Chances are, you have heard of Craigslist by now. But if not, here is the short answer:
Craigslist is a free classified ads site that is localized to a particular area. It is a great FREE way to place ads and find stuff, events, and even jobs in your area. If you have a message to get out, items to sell, places to rent, or "help wanted" or "garage sale" ads to place, Craigslist is a wonderful (did I mention "FREE"?) way to get the word out. And if you love bargains, then Craigslist is the place to find them.
Craigslists Currently in Nebraska:
Currently there are only Craigslists for:
Omaha, Grand Island, North Platte, and Scottsbluff areas.
The Sioux City, IA Craigslist may be useful for those in extreme northeast Nebraska.
Craigslist is designed to facilitate face-to-face transactions, and has an email anonymizer available so that you do not need to expose your actual email address to spammers, etc. (People see a craigslist-specific email address that Craigslist then forwards on to your actual email.). Some common sense is suggested when placing Craigslist ads. Do not put your actual street address or phone number in the ad unless you want that information available (to anyone) on the internet. You are in total control of your ad and can edit or delete it at any time. You can upload photos to your ad to make it more appealing to potential buyers.
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